research sEEG-Action Investigating goal-specific processing of observed actions in human brain utilizing intracranial sEEG recordings Agent Perception Investigated the congruency effect of cues on biological motion perception through behavioral and EEG studies Bio-prediction Investigated the congruency effect of cues on biological motion perception through behavioral and EEG studies education Katamino 5-member project for Object Oriented Programming course; a desktop game based on the boardgame Katamino developed with Java, responsible for the game logic and implemented a custom board design mode. (2018) StudyPal A collaborative studying app for Android developed in kotlin, StudyPal facilitates paired study sessions through a WebRTC-based video communication platform. (2020) Company Interview and Employment Review Platform Database course project using MySQL, HTTP, PHP and Javascript 2x2x2 Rubik’s Cube Simulator on BASYS3 2-member project for Digital Design course; simulated Rubik’s cube on an 8x8 LED matrix using SystemVerilog and implemented the solution algorithm with C. (2017) Superpixel grouping based object localization 3-member project for Image Analysis course; implemented a superpixel grouping-based object localization algorithm for generating object proposals. (2017) New York Time Mini Crossword Solver 5-member project for Artificial Intelligence course; implemented candidate-generating modules using Bing API, Datamuse, and WordNet. (2016) fun